Our team

Our dedicated team consists of hemp enthusiasts and experts who are passionate about providing exceptional products and services. With their extensive knowledge and commitment to quality, they strive to exceed customer expectations and ensure a seamless experience with our hemp offerings.

Meet the team

Vesna Chan


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porta dapibus sem, nec mattis orci sagittis id. Nam tincidunt purus nec lectus tincidunt, sed blandit leo efficitur. Duis et dui ullamcorper, malesuada lorem a, iaculis dolor. Vivamus consequat sem et auctor gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean dictum a tellus ut scelerisque. Integer ornare faucibus est, viverra commodo dui semper sed. Vivamus in accumsan eros.

Vestibulum ut nibh eu lectus tempor ultricies. Aliquam eu diam semper, efficitur lorem a, posuere sapien. Suspendisse rutrum metus pellentesque, iaculis purus ut, fringilla dolor. Quisque molestie felis ac lectus convallis tincidunt. Donec laoreet lectus mi, eget aliquet risus porttitor et. Donec posuere nibh at leo sodales, et fermentum arcu posuere. Nullam ultrices, massa in fermentum molestie, tellus magna sollicitudin elit, ut viverra nibh metus at nulla. Donec sed varius tortor, faucibus sollicitudin erat.

Donec efficitur ipsum eget eros tempus, nec finibus ante semper. Vestibulum tempus lacus vel mauris lobortis laoreet. Nam blandit elementum metus gravida egestas. Maecenas tempus massa vel ante sollicitudin, a iaculis nisi tincidunt. Nulla nec pulvinar turpis. Nulla rhoncus eros metus, vitae malesuada nisi ultricies quis. Aenean condimentum semper lectus et mattis.

Gabriel Mutezo


Having worked in different countries and economic sectors. Now looking back at those industries and the materials they use, I feel compelled to change the way we do things. Improving our environment, by producing sustainable products.

After being introduced to hemp and finding out its wide potentials which include medicinal benefits, value in construction materials, biodegradables, textiles, foods etc.

I advocate that it’s a very good source of nutritions, which is vital in our daily diet.
Make hemp great again. It is high time!

With many companies these days mostly focusing on future technologies, there are gaps to be filled in the Hemp agro-industry. Hemp has proven to be one of the solutions to our global warming. Its abilities to be more drought resistant, absorbing chemicals in contaminated soils and CO2 from the air, all contribute to a better place for you and for me and the entire human race!

By promoting the cultivation of hemp this will be a good start in resolving some of the environmental issues we’re facing.

Jimmy Van de Gucht


Reaching 40, I can’t help looking back at what’s important in life. Family, friends, good health, fresh air, exploring nature, crossing mountains, meeting new people, a steady economy that provides jobs.
Looking forward, I’m seeing that those things we take for granted are in danger. New diseases, more allergies, less nature, polluted air. Parts of the world that have become inhabitable. Economy is having difficulties, with job loss as a result. Agriculture is suffering due to climate change and water scarcity.

It’s time for action!
Change the way we produce and consume. With durable as keyword and Hemp as key ingredient. I’m positive that hemp can play a big role in the way to change. It has so many uses and counters a lot of problems we are facing today. More resistant to global warming, consumes less water, no pesticides, improves the soil, has anti-allergic properties, and can pull huge quantities of CO2 out of the atmosphere.

This is what Hemp Invest stands for. Produce durable, quality hemp raw materials in an ecological fashion. Give a boost to agriculture and the economy. And be the supply chain to all the companies who work or want to work with hemp.

I’m proud to be part of the Hemp Invest team!
To conclude: I know we all love a good challenge. And I believe saving the earth is a pretty good one.